The Importance of Headwall Maintenance and Rehab

By sml-pm

Headwalls are a key feature of municipal drainage systems, protecting pipes and the surrounding area at both ends. Proper stormwater drainage is essential in areas prone to flooding or heavy weather, and even in less rainy regions the runoff has to be handled to avoid soil erosion.

How to Choose the Right Seawall for Your Property

By sml-pm

If you own property next to a waterway or along the beach, you know that erosion can be a major concern. One of the smartest ways to deal with the impact of ever-changing tides is adding a seawall to stop waves from eroding your landscaping and affecting your property line.

The 5 Seawall Maintenance Tips You Should Know

By sml-pm

Seawalls are designed and built to resist storm surge and waves, so it should be no surprise that over time, the forces exerted on them can take a heavy toll – sometimes requiring professional seawall repair to correct.